The purpose of the Charleston Yacht Club Auxiliary shall be to assist, in any way possible, the officers and committee chairs of our affiliate, the Charleston Yacht Club. Membership in the Charleston Yacht Club Auxiliary shall be, as stated in Article V, “Support Groups” of the Charleston Yacht Club Constitution and by-laws which reads: “In order to be a member or the Auxiliary, you must be a member or spouse of a current Charleston Yacht Club member in good standing. Widows or Widowers of a spouse who was a Charleston Yacht Club member may be members of the Auxiliary. Club members who are elected to serve as officers of the Auxiliary may not serve concurrently on the Executive Committee of the Club.”
The Auxiliary was organized in 1934 after the Charleston Yacht Club was formed. The Auxiliary has supported and assisted the club in its principles of maintaining a strong commitment to all forms of boating both in the club and in the community.
The Auxiliary helped to furnish and refurbish the clubhouse with improvements such as hardwood flooring in the meeting rooms, fine china embellished with the club burgee, club flatware, new refrigerators and freezers, and many other donations. The Auxiliary supports the annual Regatta assuming responsibility for the both the preparation and sale of food and regatta t-shirts. The Christmas Party and many other fun events in the year are hosted by the Auxiliary.
The Volunteer of the Year award is given each year to the member that has made a significant contribution to the mission of the Auxiliary. The winner is announced at the end of each year. Click here for a nomination form.
The Auxiliary has a monthly dinner meeting–sometimes with programs or a special theme–but always with good fellowship and good food. Membership is accepted at any time during the year and new members are welcome! Membership is for a calendar year with dues established by the Auxiliary Board of Directors and voted on by the Auxiliary membership.
Contact our Membership Chair for any further questions. Hope you will join us!
2024 Officers
Robbie Lee
Recording Secretary
Liz Lyons
Caroline Davila
Membership Chair
Beth Kelley
Vice President
Sherry DuPree
Corresponding Secretary
Caroline Kinnett
Meeting Chair
Fran Trotman
Past President
Marilyn Swygert